Me and My Headshot
Three things happened in the past few weeks or so that have me noodling about the way we present ourselves to the world. A friend, upon seeing me at a panel with my accompanying headshot, said, “Well, that’s pretty glam.” I…
Three things happened in the past few weeks or so that have me noodling about the way we present ourselves to the world. A friend, upon seeing me at a panel with my accompanying headshot, said, “Well, that’s pretty glam.” I…
It has been what feels like an obscenely long time since I’ve blogged. In the meantime, my book had its birthday and we had ten days’ worth of houseguests, and then I went to Seoul to participate in the Rotary…
Welcome back to Brain Flotsam, the weekly feature that touches on things I heard, read, and saw that made me go Hmmmm. Here’s what I encountered this week! A tour of the British Isles in accents! I haven’t vetted this…
Or, Stray Memories. I think my predilection for orange food (see Cheez-Its; Cheetos [the caveman-club-shaped kind, not the poufy kind]; Annie’s Extra-Cheddary Bunnies; Goldfish; Clementines; carrots with their skin on) may have been encouraged by one Pat Crow, the first…
Howie Long: Hi, sports fans, I’m Howie Long. Phil Liggett: And I’m Phil Liggett. HL: And we’re back from break to bring you live coverage of a very special event: The annual Golden Pencil literary readings. PL: That’s right, Howie….
At the end of last year, I noticed an uptick in the frequency of my swearing–specifically, my propensity to drop the eff-bomb. (For the .0000001 percent of you who have never heard this phrase, I’ll use it here: Fuck.) So…
Copywriting is a largely internal pursuit. And yes, it’s largely solitary. But there is a certain amount of teamwork that takes place, and just as much “brainstorming” as, if not more than, you’d get in any bullpennish office with folks…
We’ve been in California now for a little over a year. I grew up here, moved away for 17 years, and then came back to fulfill what I see my as my filial duty: both of my parents are getting…
Hello there. I feel I need to tell you something. I loathe your voice. It isn’t because I do not value what you are saying. It is because you Like to Hear Yourself Talk. I picture you a Grace-Kelly-like ice…
Our good friend Tim came to visit. We had a packed weekend that somehow managed to include some downtime on our couch and four episodes of American Horror Story, before it jumped the shark. It was fantastic. It also gave…