Me and My Headshot

Three things happened in the past few weeks or so that have me noodling about the way we present ourselves to the world. A friend, upon seeing me at a panel with my accompanying headshot, said, “Well, that’s pretty glam.” I…


It has been what feels like an obscenely long time since I’ve blogged. In the meantime, my book had its birthday and we had ten days’ worth of houseguests, and then I went to Seoul to participate in the Rotary…

Brain Flotsam 4

Welcome back to Brain Flotsam, the weekly feature that touches on things I heard, read, and saw that made me go Hmmmm. Here’s what I encountered this week! A tour of the British Isles in accents! I haven’t vetted this…

Me and the F-Bomb

At the end of last  year, I noticed an uptick in the frequency of my swearing–specifically, my propensity to drop the eff-bomb. (For the .0000001 percent of you who have never heard this phrase, I’ll use it here: Fuck.) So…