Search Results for: brain flotsam

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Brain Flotsam 2

Stuff I read, saw, or encountered over the last week: This pretty important, and revealing, post from author Wendy J. Fox on how many books she’s actually sold. (h/t Jen Dawn Brody) These great photos from Ellis Island, ca 1900, digitized for the first time: Bruce Lee’s personal manifesto (click the photo to read):  …

The Daily Life

All art Book reviews brain flotsam cooking Food Geekdom le flaneur Life Open Letters People in my Neighborhood ShelterBox Stuff Mr. Gooddirt Says the weather The Weekend Things I Wrote Things I'm Working On Training and General Outdoors Stuff Uncategorized Verbagram Visitors Whidbey All All art Book reviews brain flotsam cooking Food Geekdom le flaneur…


A tiny little rant

Generally, it’d be time for a Brain Flotsam post. But today all I can think of are two radio advertising spots I heard early this morning as I drove my poor hound to have a fractured tooth extracted. (I am sure this added to my consternation.) They were so insidious that they have colored everything I have…